Hilltop Mini Buildings & Lawn Décor

1156 US Highway 67
Viola, Illinois 61486


Our sales lot is easy to find: It’s located right along U.S. Hwy 67, 2 miles north of Viola, Illinois, or 15 miles south of Milan, Illinois.

Choose from One of the below

Request a Printed Catalog and Price List

This catalog will include styles, sizes, and prices, and PHOTOS of all our products and will be mailed to you in the US Mail.
Request a Catalog Now

Request an Email Price List

This price list will include styles, sizes, and prices of our products, but NO PHOTOS. You will be able to choose either a price list for the storage sheds, or a price list for the Lawn Furniture & lawn décor. Either of these price lists can be emailed to you at your email address.
Request a Price List